


One day i was staring at my left over yarns, and after finished a knitted project i want to do something with my crochet hook. I might be  new in knitting world but crochet is even "newer". Using only basic sts, i start hook and hook. There, i have a circle, then a flower ( My husband said i'm obsessed with flowers.  Maybe I do, well, I AM a female), then some flowers.
first circle then added petals

join the flowers on the go

so i have some flowers in the round
At this point i still undecided, what will  I do with these flowers? That was awkward because people who saw my flowers would asks and i would say,"hmm..i don't know (yet)". The next day, I added some greens, at the top, bottoms, and between, also a puff sts for a decoration. Then I knew this is a bag XD.

sc at the top and bottom,add some puff sts and play with chain in between the flowers 
After finished with the "body" of bag, i was looking for something, some fabric that i can use for inside lining  and ended up with my husband's unused t-shirt :) (The rest of the t shirt is now in my trash). I dig my stash box for some other equipments. Using i cord made from sc all rounds i made the handle, and it officially done

Around 11 inch wide, this bag is now my  mother (in law)'s



The pattern is easy to memorize, just pay attention to keep the pattern correct while reducing. Please note that I didn’t write the pattern row by row, only the general rule. If there any confusion, ask me.


  • 7 balls ( 2 orange, 2 yellow, 2 white, 1 blue) of mercerized       cotton yarn, 100g each (sorry, I have no idea about the length, and you can use your own color choice, even a single color is no problem)
  •  Pair of 4 mm (US 6) needle
  • 5 buttons (1 inch diameter) 

2 pattern repeat = 17 cm

         Pattern multiple of 16+1
          = Slip 1, K 2 tog, passed slip stitch over (SK2P)
      = Yarn Over (YO)
   = Knit at RS purl at WS

Cast on 131
P 2 rows
K1, pattern 8 times, k1
Next and every WS: k1, purl to last 1 st, k1
Reduce 1 st at each edge
From now work in pattern while reducing every 5 rows until 16 sts have been reduced for each edge
Work even until piece measured 38 cm (or longer if you like), end at WS row  (99 sts)

Shape armhole
RS : BO 6 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows
Next row (WS) : red 1 st each side every alt row 3 times
Work even until armhole measure 15 cm end at RS
Next (WS)  shape back neck : k1, p24, BO center 31, p24, k1
Work shoulder one at time, keep pattern correct and red 1 st at neck edge every alt row 3 times.
Work even until armhole measure 20 cm, end at RS

Shape shoulder
Next (WS) p12, turn
Next (RS) knit across , place on a holder (21 sts)

Left Front
CO 73
Purl 2 rows
Next (RS) k1, pattern 4 X, k8
Next (WS) k7, p to last 1 st, k1
The gs edge (which is consist of 7 sts), is the button band. Reduce  1 st at the opposite edge every 5 rows as back
While keeping the pattern correct , keep reducing until 16 sts have been reduced.
Work even until piece measure = back (57 sts)

Shape armhole and neck opening
With RS facing BO 6 sts at the beginning of row
Next : k7, p to last 1 st, k1
Red 1 st at armhole edge for next and the following alt row
Work even
Red armhole edge once more and at the same time red 1 st before button band for front neck shaping.
Work even at armhole edge while reducing neck edge 18 x more.  (27 sts)
Work even until piece measure = back, shape shoulder with WS facing
Place on a holder
Place marker for 5 button spaced evenly

Right Front
Work as left with reverse shaping. Work buttonhole at correspondence marked area
To make buttonhole: (Noted that the sts showed here represent only the button band area)
Work buttonhole with WS facing, k2, BO 2 sts, k3
Next (RS) k3, CO 3 sts, K2
After this row there are 8 sts at button band
Next : k2, k2tog, k4

CO 69
Purl 2 rows
K2, work pattern 4 times, k3
Work even until piece measures approx 45cm, end at RS
Next (WS) BO 6 sts at beg next 2 rows
Work 5 rows even
Red 1 st each side every row until there are 19 sts left

To Make Up
Join shoulder using 3 needle BO
BO 20 sts at back and front, BO 1 st at back, left remaining 8 sts button band on needle
Work one side of button band in gs (you choose, right or left front) and seam along back neck edge
Finished by grafting to the other side of button band
Sew sleeves and side seam.

Approximate finished measurement

          Back/ Front                                          Sleeves

If you find any error contact me, thank's!


Bind Off

Bagaimana jika sudah selesai merajut? Bind off (BO) adalah cara untuk mengakhiri rajutan (seperti halnya bahasas inggris yang ada US ada British, terminologi dalam merajut juga ada British ada US. Bind off itu US therminology, kalau terminologi Britishnya Cast off.


Purl Stitch

Tusuk purl atau purl stitch adalah kebalikan dari knit stitch. Jika dalam knit stitch posisi benang ada di  belakang, pada purl stitch posisi benang ada di depan. Sama seperti knit stitch, purl stitch dapat dilakukan baik Continental maupun English Method


Knit Stitch

Ada dua tusuk dasar dalam merajut, tusuk knit atau knit stitch dan tusuk purl atau purl stitch. Variasi dari kedua tusuk ini bisa membuat berbagai macam pola. Dalam pola knit disingkat k dan purl disingkat p.


Cast On

Cast On merupakan tusuk dasar dalam merajut. Ada banyak cara melakukan CO, dsini kita akan belajar dua diantaranya. Jika dalam sebuah pola tidak disebutkan secara spesifik metode CO yang diperlukan, maka kita bebas menentukan sendiri metode yang kita suka.


Slip Knot

Slip knot adalah simpul pertama dalam rajutan. Tidak hanya merajut, merenda juga membutuhkan slip knot. Slip knot merupakan awalan sebelum kita bisa membuat tusuk dasar